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In this episode we read some great email’s from listeners! Lots to think about! We also cover Internet Finds and Rules Finds, and discuss the latest session of our Into the Void Classic Traveller campaign!
Relevant links:
- Writeup of our last Into the Void Classic Traveller sesion
http://www.gaming.concretelunch.info/itv-session-19-the-alien-complex/ - Cepheus Journal #2
https://cepheusjournal.com/downloads/ - Take on Rules – writeup of Traveller Core Rulebook
https://takeonrules.com/series/lets-read-traveller-core-rulebook/ - The OK Grognard show on Twitch.tv
https://www.twitch.tv/mark_cmg - GURPSland article on using Robert Pearce’s Traveller Geomorphs
http://gurpsland.no-ip.org/geomorphs/ - GURPSland homepage, because it’s a great GURPS resource
http://gurpsland.no-ip.org/ - Ron Stepp’s Andromeda LN2 blog
https://andromedaln2.space/ - Our theme music for this episode is called Event Listener, from the Speculative Machines Podcast, by Trent Straughan.
I’ve caught up, so I’m now going back and commenting…
Yes, you do get a positive modifier for physical training when you have low Intelligence. You have to remember what RPGs looked like in the 70s/80s. The “jocks vs nerds” mindset was very strong in those days, *especially* among the people most likely to be playing RPGs back then.
It’s even visible in things like D&D, even now. A wizard benefits from high INT, but a Fighter benefits from high STR.
Isn’t Intelligence valuable to a Fighter too? Being able to read your opponent’s moves, better able to understand patterns or identify weak points? Nope, Wizards smart, Fighters dumb.
Blame it on where the hobby was at the time and then realize that it’s your game and you can run it however you like. In My Traveller Universe, I ignore chunks of canon because I don’t feel that it “fits” with the game I am running. I ignore that rule. Feel free to do the same.