SAFCOcast 18: Classic Traveller Combat, Mailbag, and other Stuff

Our main topic, inspired by one of our SAFCO Mail Bag submissions, is a discussion of the combat procedure from Classic Traveller.

We also go through some great mailbag submissions, discuss the Central Supply Catalog supplement for Classic Traveller, Timothy Collinson’s Generation-X Traveller book, and Internet Finds!

Thanks to everyone for listening.

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2 thoughts on “SAFCOcast 18: Classic Traveller Combat, Mailbag, and other Stuff”

  1. Just finished listening to your podcasts and wanted to you to know how much I have enjoyed them. I started playing Traveller in 1978.
    In regard to the Rules Finds on Zhodani psionic teleport from higher orbits, check out the Larry Niven short story “A Kind of Murder” for more background on the kinetic energy difference at different orbits. The transport booths and psionic teleportation aren’t exact matched but the physics correlate enough to explain the kinetic energy differences at different orbits to be relevant.
    The “So That Others May Live” adventure has a very Coast Guard Rescue feel to it (see the movie “Their Finest Hour”). My one question is if the overseer AI has Medical skill to ensure proper ‘thaw’, and if it has Pilot to start the craft toward the destination as the crew come out of cold berths?
    Love the podcast, please keep it going.

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